Saturday, December 27, 2008

Free to Join Social Networks that Pay

Social networks are becoming very popular for marketing businesses. It seems to be a new way to market by talking to others about business opportunities while earning income from the actual social network. You should be able to earn a decent extra source of income if you play your cards right. I've found that if you use your social networks to refer others and talk about your business people are very open to hear what you have to offer. So with that being said, I 'd first like to talk about some of the social networks that pay you and how to use these networks to increase your bottom line.
Yuwie is a very popular social network of people who come from all over the world. This network pays you a percent of the revenue for referrals and every action that you do. You can make money for all the activities you participate in from starting a club to adding videos and posting blogs. You are paid for views to your page and your referrals. You can post other business opportunities you have in a club you join or you can start your own. One should add as many friends as possible to recieve more views and gain exposure. It will be necessary to advertise your site in as many ways possible to gain referrals. Some members are earning $300 or more a month from Yuwie.
So if this interests you join

Directmatches is a business social network that pays only if you upgrade. If you choose to remain a free member, it's ok but you should take advantage of the income opportunity. The best thing about this site is it allows business people who have the same interests to market their opportunities with many like-minded individuals. You can trade ideas and meet people who are interested in business opportunities. It is a great resource to grow you business.

Zenzuu is yet another income opportunity social network. You must log in at least thirty times to be eligible for pay. They are a lot of people here that you can ask to join your other social networks.

I believe this is the most lucrative of all the social networks listed above. This network pays you $3 a referral and $1 six levels deep. It is free to join like all the others except they are still working on a method to pay international members. Take a look and see for yourself how you can experience financial freedom.


I will be adding more social networks that pay you as time goes on. Please check back in a few days for the update of free to join social networks that pay.